Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Sunday the 22nd of February 2015 / kl 16:00 / GRATIS entre
Sunday Movie Matinée:
Funeral Parade of The Roses

Funeral Parade of Roses is a 1969 Japanese drama film directed by Toshio Matsumoto. It is a loose adaptation of Oedipus Rex set in the underground gay counterculture of 1960s Tokyo. The film was released by ATG (Art Theatre Guild) on 13 September 1969 in Japan.

Matsumoto's earlier film For My Crushed Right Eye contains some of the same footage and could almost be seen as a trailer for Funeral Parade of Roses, although a true trailer was also made.

The film was a major influence on Stanley Kubrick's 1971 film A Clockwork Orange.

The Plot:

This violent dramatic bloodbath concerns a love triangle in a gay bar in Tokyo. Eddie (Peter) and the transvestite Leda (Osamu Ogasawara) both have sexual designs on bar manager and drug dealer Gonda (Yoshio Tsuchiya). Gonda fears Leda will expose him to the police if he does not give in to his/her advances. When Leda commits suicide, Eddie and Gonda are free to engage in their homosexual yearnings for each other. When Gonda discovers he is Eddie's father, he kills himself with a knife. A distraught Eddie then uses the same knife to cut his own eyes out.